Sonofresco Coffee Roasters have been in use for over a decade. They have proven themselves reliable and profitable when used in coffee shops, restaurants, latte stands, neighborhood markets, farmers markets, or for a home roasting business.
Starting to roast coffee beans in any of these businesses provides two significant advantages. First, you provide your customers with the highest quality product, increasing their loyalty to your business. Second, you will improve your profit margin by cutting your coffee bean expenses by about 35% less than wholesale.
How about Starting a Home Roastery and Working for Yourself?
Many people have taken one or more Sonofresco Roasters and set up a roasting operation at home. They find it easy and profitable to market freshly roasted coffee to their entire network of friends, neighbors, family, co-workers, service groups, kid’s schools and sports groups, local corner groceries, farmers markets, nearby restaurants, and so on.
Please read our general overview and Lonnie’s Beanhouse about starting your own business, or contact us for more stories about successful home businesses. There are also “Roasting Stories” from other companies in the sidebars of our website and some fun ideas from David at Furnace Hills Coffee in Maryland. And most importantly, call (toll-free: 866 271-7666) and let us help you start down the path to Roasting Your Coffee!