Coffee Kinetics LLC, dba Sonofresco, is a team of dedicated professionals passionate about coffee.
Located in Burlington, WA – North of Seattle, Coffee Kinetics began manufacturing and marketing the Sonofresco Tabletop Coffee Roaster in 2000 to bring coffee roasting to the retail level and provide customers with the best coffee experience possible. The art of coffee roasting has been demystified by incorporating an easy-to-use microprocessor to control the roasting process.
We sourced the finest specialty grade single origin green coffee beans available worldwide for use with the sonofresco tabletop coffee roaster. We soon partnered with renowned coffee expert Kenneth Davids to develop a line of green coffee blends to meet a wide range of coffee needs, from drip coffees to espresso drinks.
Sonofresco comes from Italian: “sono” means I am, and “fresco” means fresh. “I am Fresh” – what everyone should know about the coffee they drink!